Tagged: supermoon

supermoon cellar

Episode 574 – Supermoon Cellar Society

At a very reasonable price, Craig joined the exclusive Cellar Society for Milwaukee’s Supermoon Beer Company so we could get our hands on a full lineup of exclusive releases from one of our favorite breweries in the whole world. And...

top 40 of 2023

Top 40 Beers of 2023

The criteria for the list is simple: these are the best beers that I had this year that were (mostly) released this year. I undoubtedly left off many other great beers I had this year because I’m not a very...

30 most memorable beers of 2023

30 Most Memorable Beers of 2023

We started this podcast almost ten years ago. The following ten years have been a “best of times, worst of times” situation. Personal things, elections, and, you know, a global pandemic will do that. But throughout that span breweries have...