Tagged: revolution

stout me up

Episode 523 – Stout Me Up

Sometimes you want a stout that’s not sweet, adjunct-free, and stripped down to just the base style interpretation, and we were so excited to find five readily-available local examples. (No barrels, coconuts, vanilla beans, or cacao nibs were harmed in...

on heavenly jacket

Episode 522 – Deep Wood: On Heavenly Jacket

Episode 522 – Deep Wood: On Heavenly Jacket Donning our heavenly jackets for this one, we drink the final set of Revolution’s Deep Wood lineup for the 2023-2024 season. Three ‘wines and a stout make up this unsurprisingly spectacular four...

revolution deep wood 2023

Deep Wood 2023 Finale | Revolution Brewing

Our sponsor Beer on the Wall will be one of the places to have the V.S.O.R. Select and On and On: Part 3 on draft a day early during their Revolution Deep Wood Preview Party! Both the Park Ridge and...

top 40 of 2023

Top 40 Beers of 2023

The criteria for the list is simple: these are the best beers that I had this year that were (mostly) released this year. I undoubtedly left off many other great beers I had this year because I’m not a very...