Tagged: old irving

haze court

Episode 429 – Haze Court

We’ve been summoned to do our civic duty in Haze Court, giving five hazy beers their due process through our arbitrary…arbitration. We’re ready to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that we should drop the charges against haze, and sentence...

dark lagers 2

Episode 420 – Dark Lagers 2

Yeah we know what episode this is, and truthfully, the pressure of somehow delivering The Funny Weed Number Show was too much, leading us to sip on five delicious dark lagers instead. We explore some of the range a “Dark...

best beers

Ryan’s Top 50 Beers of 2021

The criteria for the list is simple: these are the best beers that I had this year that were released this year. I undoubtedly left off many other great beers I had this year because I’m not a very good...