Tagged: Oak Park Microbrew Review

oak park microbrew review 2019

Oak Park Micro Brew Review 2019

If your only experience with beer fests is attending the Oak Park Micro Brew Review each year, you’d think they were all run smoothly, with plentiful water, reasonably clean and available port-o-potties, and smiling brewery employees pouring a great mix...

oak park microbrew review 2018

Oak Park Microbrew Review 2018

The Oak Park Microbrew Review is the unofficial End of Summer Beer Festival Season festival, in my mind. (Which is great because we all need to start preparing for Fall Beer Festival Season, which starts next weekend.) In its 11th...

Oak Park Microbrew Review 2015

With so many festivals going on now – seemingly one or more every weekend, especially during the summer months – it gets hard for each one to separate itself from the pack. The Oak Park Microbrew Review has been going...