Tagged: New Glarus

great taste of the midwest 2023

Great Taste of the Midwest 2023

I attended my first Great Taste of the Midwest in 2013. I was immediately hooked and have gone every year since. Due to the pandemic, the Madison Homebrewers Guild canceled the 2020 Great Taste making the 2023 edition my tenth....

monthly sampler january 2023

ABV Chicago Monthly Sampler: January 2023

Each month, we like to highlight twelve drinks we found personally interesting, delicious, or exciting from (mostly) local sources with the hopes of passing on our recommendations to those that are interested in reading arbitrary reviews. Some of these were...

new year new glarus

Episode 465 – New Year, New Glarus

It’s always a good idea to welcome a new year with good vibes, and we’d be hard pressed to find a brewery better than New Glarus to fit that bill. For this show, we have five seasonal or speciality release...

top beers 2022

Ryan’s Top 40 Beers of 2022

The criteria for the list is simple: these are the best beers that I had this year that were (mostly) released this year. I undoubtedly left off many other great beers I had this year because I’m not a very...