Tagged: Maplewood

november 2020

ABV Chicago Monthly Sampler: November 2020

Each month, we like to highlight twelve beers we found personally interesting, delicious, or exciting from (mostly) local sources with the hopes of passing on our recommendations to those that are interested in reading arbitrary reviews. Some of these drinks...

fobab fantasy draft

ABV Chicago’s FoBAB Fantasy League 2020: Final Results

If there’s any positive to not having the best Chicago beer festival (and Illinois Brewers Guild fundraiser) this year, it was much easier to score the FoBAB Fantasy League, not having to juggle a tasting glass sloshing over with sticky...

fobab fantasy draft

ABV Chicago’s FoBAB Fantasy League 2020: Draft Results

(If you’re interested in running your own Fantasy FoBAB league, check out our setup and Power Rankings in this post.) With the livestream of the Festival of Wood and Barrel-aged Beers happening this Saturday at 3PM CST on the FoBAB...

october 2020

ABV Chicago Monthly Sampler: October 2020

Each month, we like to highlight twelve beers we found personally interesting, delicious, or exciting from (mostly) local sources with the hopes of passing on our recommendations to those that are interested in reading arbitrary reviews. Some of these drinks...