Tagged: Imperial Oak

barrel heat

Episode 340 – Barrel Heat

Our passion for barrel-aged beers doesn’t disappear in August – it achieves a steady simmer below the surface, always ready to unleash itself when the opportunity arises. For this episode we have five barrel-aged beers – all different styles of...

fobab fantasy draft

FoBAB Fantasy Draft: Power Rankings 2019

If you’re playing along at home with your own FoBAB Fantasy Draft for the 2019 season, we the non-experts at ABV Chicago have drafted up our Double-Barrel Power Rankings for your draft preparation.  (Check out the results of our very...

chisox craft beer festival crowd

ChiSox Craft Beer Fest 2019

The Chicago White Sox are no strangers to craft beer. They installed the Craft Kave in the Bullpen Sports Bar for the 2017 season which, at the time, featured at least 75 different options. That was successful enough, so they...

oak park microbrew review 2019

Oak Park Micro Brew Review 2019

If your only experience with beer fests is attending the Oak Park Micro Brew Review each year, you’d think they were all run smoothly, with plentiful water, reasonably clean and available port-o-potties, and smiling brewery employees pouring a great mix...