Tagged: flipside

straight barleywine

Episode 531 – Straight Barleywine

Believe it or not, there was a time when breweries would release barleywines that were not aged in any sort of barrel, and the biggest choice you had to make was American-style or English-style. For this episode, we have four...

top 40 of 2023

Top 40 Beers of 2023

The criteria for the list is simple: these are the best beers that I had this year that were (mostly) released this year. I undoubtedly left off many other great beers I had this year because I’m not a very...

GABF 2023: Ryan’s Top 40 Beers

After taking a week or so to gather my thoughts and review my notes, I came up with this (extremely arbitrary) top 35 list of the best beers I had on the GABF floor. Following this list, I’ve also highlighted...