Tagged: deep wood 2024

deep wood revolution now and later

Episode 575 – Deep Wood: Now and Later

To close out the 2024-2025 Deep Wood release lineup, Revolution somehow finds a way to do some new things with barleywine while retaining the spirit of their barrel program we’ve all come to know and love. It’s all about interesting...

revolution deep wood barleywine

Deep Wood: More Barleywines | Revolution Brewing

We’re nearing the end of another Deep Wood season, but three beers remain. Revolution’s going out on a barleywine kick with Lumberstruck (black barleywine), Oakpocalypse Later (triple-oaked barleywine), and Barleywinery Double Barrel V.S.O.J. (DB V.S.O.J.).  This lineup should definitely keep...

reolution deep wood wine o'clock

Episode 566 – Deep Wood: Wine O’ Clock

It’s always wine o’ clock somewhere, especially when you’re opening up the finest barleywines and ryewines Revolution has to offer. This episode features three different ‘wines and a special release stout as part two (or three?) of their barrel-aged Deep...

deep wood 2024

Deep Wood 2024: The ‘Wines | Revolution Brewing

And we’re back again. Revolution continues with their 2024 Deep Wood series, this time mostly featuring their barleywines and ryewines. Straight Jacket and Ryeway to Heaven return yet again, while Double Barrel V.S.O.R. makes its first appearance. For their Twenty...