Tagged: Cigar City

GABF 2014: Craig’s Friday and Saturday

So after drinking from noon to 10 PM Thursday, I naturally did the responsible thing on Friday. I kept drinking. With GABF starting at 6PM, I had the whole day to check out the city and the other beer events.

Hunahpu’s Imperial Stout Raffle (Complete)

ABV Chicago is proud to bring you our next contest. Craig recently braved Hunahpu’s Day 2014.  For what, you ask? Our next contest. We will be raffling off a bottle of Hunahpu’s Imperial Stout 2014! 


Lasciate ogni sparanza, voi ch’entrate.                                                                                -Dante, La Commedia, Canto III With those words etched in a stone above the Gate to Hell, Dante and Virgil begin their descent to Hell.  Loosely translated it means, “Abandon all hope, you who...