Tagged: Bell’s

brown ales

Episode 363 – Brown Ales

Though it may not be considered all that popular, the brown ale is resilient. Craft brewers have been making them for decades, and even now it’s more common to see a hyped-up brewery release a brown as a change-of-pace. To...

great taste line

Great Taste of the Midwest 2019

Back for a 33rd year, the Great Taste of the Midwest always signals the beginning of the end of summer (for myself at least). But it goes out with a bang. Between the events the day prior, the bottle releases...

flagship february

Episode 264 – Flagship February

Whether you see it as beer’s #version of Record Store Day or as a viral marketing ploy to drive sales for struggling brands, we here at ABV Chicago embrace these classics with open arms. And our arms are very open...

great taste of the midwest

Great Taste of the Midwest 2018

The Great Taste of the Midwest has long been a staple of the Madison beer scene. Always taking place the second weekend in August on the banks of Lake Monona, the fest brings in breweries from all over the Midwest...