Tagged: barleywine

revolution deep wood barleywine

Deep Wood: More Barleywines | Revolution Brewing

We’re nearing the end of another Deep Wood season, but three beers remain. Revolution’s going out on a barleywine kick with Lumberstruck (black barleywine), Oakpocalypse Later (triple-oaked barleywine), and Barleywinery Double Barrel V.S.O.J. (DB V.S.O.J.).  This lineup should definitely keep...

straight barleywine

Episode 531 – Straight Barleywine

Believe it or not, there was a time when breweries would release barleywines that were not aged in any sort of barrel, and the biggest choice you had to make was American-style or English-style. For this episode, we have four...

Three Year Bourbon Barrel Barleywine | Central Waters

Ah yes, Central Waters Bourbon Barrel Barleywine (BBB). Back when they were teenagers, Central Waters would release BBB during their anniversary party in late January along with their anniversary beer. Apparently that hasn’t been the case in the recent past,...