Episode 579 – Local & Historical
We get unreasonably excited when local breweries make historical and international styles that are infrequently brewed, so we jumped at the opportunity to bring five examples together. These suburban Chicago beers serve as tributes to centuries of brewing across three different countries, and we couldn’t be happier about the results. We dive into the history and stories of these styles while also revisiting our college Newcastle phase, assuming control of our IP, and making our choices for the best vending machine selections on a road trip.
ABV Chicago Episode 579 – Local & Historical
Beers Reviewed
Bubblehouse Brewing Company – All Together Now (Altbier)
Flipside Brewing – Noble Rogue (English Brown Ale)
Goldfinger Brewing Company – Polotmavý 14° (Czech-style Amber Lager)
Art History Brewing – Trent Bridge (English IPA)
Miskatonic Brewing Company/Seldom Beer Co. – Kuddel Muddel (Kottbusser)