Episode 576 – The UT Show
We’re going behind the curtain for our 36th state show, as listener Jeremy hooked us up with five beers from Utah. The beers represent a pretty wide variety and offer a few real standouts as we try and make sense of some pretty…interesting beer laws. Also, there’s valuable jorts advice, heavy eye-contact cocktails, barrel-aged flashbacks, and a genuine French ending. Who says we need to keep things under 5 percent?
ABV Chicago Episode 576 – The UT Show
Beers Reviewed
UTOG Brewing Company [Ogden, UT] – Utah’s Only Happy Hour (American Light Lager)
Talisman Brewing Company [Ogden, UT] – Uplifted (Scottish Export Ale)
Shades Brewing [Salt Lake City, UT] – Pina Colada Sour Ale (Sour ale w/ coconut, pineapple, and lactose)
2 Row Brewing [Midvale, UT] – Dangereux (American Farmhouse Ale)
Epic Brewing [Salt Lake City, UT] – Bigger Badder Baptista (Imperial stout aged in whiskey and mezcal barrels w/ coffee, cacao, cinnamon, and vanilla)