Episode 391 – Hot Rev Summer
Revolution Brewing‘s mission is to dominate your whole calendar. They release one of the most coveted barrel-aged beers in the last few years as a surprise for the summer along with two returning favorites, but they also let you wash it all down with exquisite lighter-drinking beers like the pair from this episode. So we chatted with Rev’s communications manager John Carruthers about these hot summer drops, the future of Rev’s packaged offerings, his charitable pizza project and cookbook, and of course, the 90s X-Men Arcade game. Then we drink through a wildly incongruous lineup that has no business being evaluated on the same level, but we do what we know. There’s also talk of souping-up Craig’s Prius, Hall & Oates music videos, new lexicons for 40-year olds, and hope for VSOJ soft serve cones. Snap into a green bean!
ABV Chicago Episode 391 – Hot Rev Summer
John Carruthers Interview (00:07:52 – 00:45:52)
Beers Reviewed
Riot (Bohemian Keller Pils)
Pursuit of Freedom: Watermelon Mint (Session Sour)
Supermassive Café Deth (Barrel-aged Imperial Oatmeal Stout w/ Coffee)
Strawberry Jacket (Barrel-aged Barleywine w/ Strawberries)
V.S.O.J. (Barrel-aged Barleywine)