Episode 321 – 3 Floyds

We can all use a heaping helping of beer-based nostalgia right now, so we spend an hour drinking and talking about one of the most significant craft breweries Chicagoland has ever known: 3 Floyds. For the first time ever, we have five different beers from the Munster, Indiana-based brewery represented, including three that really get us story-telling. Though this was recorded at the early stages of quarantine, Ryan’s lead-up indicates that it’s already gotten to his head a bit. We also talk about wide mouthfeels, classic DIPAs, hop extract vs. other extracts, and the indefinite (and not totally unfortunate) end of line bottle shares. We’ve got that curbside weird you ordered all ready for you.
Recorded 3/18/20
ABV Chicago Episode 321 – 3 Floyds
Beers Reviewed
Region X (Dortmunder-style Lager)
Alpha King (Pale Ale)
Zombie Dust (Pale Ale)
Arctic Panzer Wolf (Double IPA)
Wigsplitter (Imperial Oatmeal Stout w/ Espresso)