Episode 168 – Left Field Brewery
Hailing from Toronto, Canada, Left Field Brewery makes an array of beers you can suck down alongside nine innings of baseball. The beers lead off strong and hardly let up, as we’re all too happy to bat around some bad baseball metaphors as we sample. The talk is a bit White Sox-centric at times, with Craig’s review of the impressive new Craft Kave (ugh) at Guaranteed Rate Field (UGH). But there’s also talk of racist Spencer’s, Bud’s new ad slogan, Ryan’s glory days, and a shout out to the Diverticuguys. And don’t forget our Saisonathon at Pub Royale is coming up on Monday, May 22nd – it’s going to be a grand run slam! A real home dinger!
ABV Chicago Episode 168 – Left Field Brewery
Maris* Pale Ale
Anniversary No. 4 Saison
Prospect Single Hop IPA (Hallertau Blanc)
Squeeze Play Sour Ale (w/ blood orange and cherries)
Eephus Oatmeal Brown Ale
Thanks to listener Christopher Nyren for the beers!