Author: abvchicago

hop roundup winter 2025

Episode 577 – Hop Roundup: Winter ‘25

We love hoppy beers, and truthfully, we need to find an excuse to try more local releases that catch our attention. Introducing the Hop Roundup: a quarterly series of episodes focused on notable hoppy releases in a general timeframe. For...

the ut show utah

Episode 576 – The UT Show

We’re going behind the curtain for our 36th state show, as listener Jeremy hooked us up with five beers from Utah. The beers represent a pretty wide variety and offer a few real standouts as we try and make sense...

deep wood revolution now and later

Episode 575 – Deep Wood: Now and Later

To close out the 2024-2025 Deep Wood release lineup, Revolution somehow finds a way to do some new things with barleywine while retaining the spirit of their barrel program we’ve all come to know and love. It’s all about interesting...

supermoon cellar

Episode 574 – Supermoon Cellar Society

At a very reasonable price, Craig joined the exclusive Cellar Society for Milwaukee’s Supermoon Beer Company so we could get our hands on a full lineup of exclusive releases from one of our favorite breweries in the whole world. And...